Joomap is written in a modular way and is able to work with all Joomla! components. Here are the Joomapextensions available for 3rd party components made by us.


Component name License How to get
AdsManager commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Agora 3 Forum commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Alberghi commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Auction Factory commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
DatsoGallery commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
DigiFolio commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Estate Agent Improved commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
EZ Auto commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
EZ Realty commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
EZ Rider commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
EventList commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
FlippingBook commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
hwdPhotoShare commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
hwdVideoShare commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
JDirectory commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
jDownloads free download it from Joomap Extensions
JCal Pro 2 commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
JEvents (Events Calendar) commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Joo!BB Forum commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
JomTube commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Marketplace commerical get it from Joomap Extensions
MisterEstate commerical get it from Joomap Extensions
Mosets Tree (2.x) commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
MyBlog 2 & 3 commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Portfolio Design commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Phoca Downloads commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Phoca Gallery commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
RD-Autos commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
redEVENT commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
RealEstateManager commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Remository commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Seyret commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
SimpleCalendar free download it from Joomap Extensions
Simplest Forum commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
TPJobs commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
TPLancers commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
VehicleManager commercial get it from Joomap Extensions
Zoo commercial get it from Joomap Extensions