Can't display FABRIK table in FRONT END 1 Week, 5 Days ago
I added a menu sidelink to a fabrik table. This can only seen by Special users. I set all the permissions, etc. Now when I click on the link I get the following error message instead of the table ( I installed the fabrik extension component for ACESef!):
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'AceDatabase::showError failed. (Table 'londonprjoom.jos_js_job_minicv' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT profil_candidat, id FROM jos_js_job_minicv WHERE fabrik_internal_id =1)' in E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\library\database.php:179 Stack trace: #0 E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\library\database.php(99): AceDatabase->showError() #1 E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\extensions\com_fabrik.php(134): AceDatabase->loadRow('SELECT profil_c...') #2 E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\extensions\com_fabrik.php(30): AceSEF_com_fabrik->_getRow(1) #3 E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\library\router.php(431): AceSEF_com_fabrik->build(Array, Array, true, NULL, false) #4 E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\london-prive. in E:\HostingSpaces\londonpr\\wwwroot\administrator\components\com_acesef\library\database.php on line 179
Has anyone seen this issue? Is this a known bug? I have upgraded the component to the latest version (1.5.1).
Georg Keferboeck
PRO Customer
Posts: 10
Re: Can't display FABRIK table in FRONT END 1 Week, 4 Days ago
You are using a new upgrade of fabrik component, that is the reason of this error. So, plz provide us a super admin account to info[at]joomace[dot]net. We will modify the extension according to your version.
Gilbert Lici
Posts: 304
Re: Can't display FABRIK table in FRONT END 1 Week, 4 Days ago
I very much appreciate your offer. However this is a live site and the back-end contains confidential information. So it wouldn't be in the interest of my cliente to give away super admin rights. Are there any predefined steps in order to configure the system ? If there is no other way - I would give away credentials, but to ONE person only. The mail address posted seems to be accessible by a number of users.
Please advice. Thanks,
Georg Keferboeck
PRO Customer
Posts: 10
Re: Can't display FABRIK table in FRONT END 1 Week, 3 Days ago
You can send them to gilbert.lici[at]joomace[dot]net
Denis Dulici
Posts: 2683
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Re: Can't display FABRIK table in FRONT END 1 Week, 2 Days ago
Many thanks, email has been sent. George
Georg Keferboeck
PRO Customer
Posts: 10