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JoomAce Support
Install, Upgrade, Migrate
Solved Issues
POST LAYOUT (issues won't be answered unless the following questions have been answered):
Have you tried to search the support center?
From which to which AceSEF version did you try to upgrade (upgrade only)?
Did you received any error during upgrade (upgrade only)?
What is your current AceSEF version?
What is your Joomla version?
What is your PHP version?
What is your MySQL version?
Are you using a UNIX/Linux or Windows based server?
Any error output, behaviour, screenshot?
Please describe the issue below:
Have you tried to search the support center?
From which to which AceSEF version did you try to upgrade (upgrade only)?
Did you received any error during upgrade (upgrade only)?
What is your current AceSEF version?
What is your Joomla version?
What is your PHP version?
What is your MySQL version?
Are you using a UNIX/Linux or Windows based server?
Any error output, behaviour, screenshot?
Please describe the issue below:
TOPIC: There is a problem with your .htaccess file
JoomAce Support
Install, Upgrade, Migrate
Solved Issues
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