Please, see www.kunena.org/forum/179-kunena-latest-p...-for-jomsocial#78279 for base details.
Additionally, when Kunena extension is uninstalled (but AceSEF installed), I get only Joomla errors on problematic page (showed by index.php template).
When Kunena extension is installed and XDebug is disabled, I get clean PHP error:
Code: |
No messages to display
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'AceDatabase::showError failed. (Unknown column 'na' in 'where clause' SQL=Select COUNT(DISTINCT t.thread) FROM jos_kunena_messages AS t
INNER JOIN jos_kunena_messages AS m ON m.id=t.thread
WHERE m.moved='0' AND m.hold IN (0) AND m.catid IN (na)
AND t.hold IN (0) AND t.moved=0 AND t.catid IN (na) AND t.time>'1290255872')' in /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/database.php:179
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/database.php(45): AceDatabase->showError()
#1 /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/cache.php(162): AceDatabase->quote('index.php?optio...')
#2 /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/uri.php(412): AcesefCache->checkURL('index.php?optio...')
#3 /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/router.php(415): AcesefURI->_checkDB(Object(JURI), '')
#4 /var/www/defau in /var/www/default/public/manga/administrator/components/com_acesef/library/database.php on line 179
Of course, these errors appear to be Kunena problem, but AceSEF should handle it. The strange thing is that when XDebug is turned off, I get clean PHP error, but when on, I get Joomla error page showed by error.php template.
Kind Regards
Piotr Minkina
PS: Sorry for my English