Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 1 Month, 2 Weeks ago
I am aware of that I already implemented this. Does not help a lot
I have to other problems.
1) Home page takes a lot longer to load when ACEsef is on (copule of seconds)
2) There is bug in Listbingo plugin because it produces some links without "/" character, so I end up with users who have broken links, I loose traffic. The URL is sth like CATEGORYAD1 instead of CATEGORY/AD1
3) When you update SEFurl it messes up some links and I get "Unknown controller" instead of right page
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 1 Month, 1 Week ago
This drives me crazy, one more time my website went blank.
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 1 Month, 1 Week ago
Ok, I decided to turn off ACEsef too many bugs and problems and slow response.
Although this extension looks very pro and well developed it does not meet basic requirements, at least with Listbingo, if I could I wolud have asked for refund but I see that your "refund policy" is no refund at all
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Denis Dulici
Posts: 2683
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Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 1 Month, 1 Week ago
You should have, I see many disappointed people.
When it comes to cache I disabled both instant and permanent because both were inefficient for me. I do not store duplicated urls, add id to the link whenever it is possible.
Anyway with or without ACEsef slows website significantly and I don't think is the problem of configuration or tweaking.
Compleatly unacceptable are:
1) events when website goes blank(no errors or 404, but it's possible to login to the backend) and you never know when and what's cause. Only remedy for this sitiuation is only reinstallation of Acesef compoent.
2) quite a lot of links generated by ACEsef have no "/" character, so I end up with users who have broken links coming from google, I loose traffic. The URL is sth like CATEGORYAD1 instead of CATEGORY/AD1
3) When you use update SEFurl function in ACEsef component it messes up some links and I get "Unknown controller" message instead of right page with particular ad or category form Listibno
For these reasons I turned off component and think that I threw my money out, also my google seo is destroyed
By the way it's easier to check it by yourself, I sent you backend login and pass
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 1 Month ago
I'm gonna give you one more chance to influence my opinion. I sent you link with login and pass, could you try to login and enable ACEsef for a moment and tell me why it shows only blank page? The problem seems to be caused by ACE sef plugin.
The other problem is when you upgrade to ACE to ver 1.5.9 and CB to latest 1.3 there is a problem when you try to view your profile, also profile related links from Listbingo stopped working.
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 3 Weeks, 5 Days ago
1) Blank Page was because you've set the "Error Reporting" to Maximum on Global Configuration=>Server. Now there is no blank page.
2) I could not find any link without trailing slash "/". Plz give us some examples.
3) I just tried update function on AceSEF=>Extensions for Listbingo, and no error appeared. Plz describe more clearly this issue, with screenshots.
4) When you are viewing a listbingo article and you login, there appears a blank page. You are right. But that does not appears because of AceSEF, is because of some modules you enabled. I disabled them and now everything works great.
Modules name: mod_lbregion and mod_adsensebingo.
These modules are not compatible with SEF components. So you should contact with developers for that issue.
Gilbert Lici
Posts: 304
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago
1) Thx, So far it works we will see. I forgot to turn it off when website went previously blank, caused by other not ACEsef related plugin.
2) Simply You didn't find any because it was fresh reinstallation of ACEsef, so here you go (ACEsef SEF URL / real URL)
a) kategorie/uslugitransportprzeprowadzkiszukamtransportu FROM index.php?option=com_listbingo&Itemid=17&task=uslugi.transport%3Aprzeprowadzki.szukam%3Atransportu
b) uslugiokolicznosciowewybierzkategorie FROM index.php?option=com_listbingo&task=uslugi.okolicznosciowe.wybierz%3Akategorie
c) pracaposzukujepracy2610poszukuje-pracy-slough FROM index.php?option=com_listbingo&task=praca.poszukuje%3Apracy.2610%3Aposzukuje-pracy-slough
d) mieszkanialokalwynajemsearchadslatestads FROM index.php?option=com_listbingo&
e) dodaj/roznepozostale1165biuro-matrymonialne-serenada FROM index.php?option=com_listbingo&Itemid=10&task=rozne.pozostale.1165%3Abiuro-matrymonialne-serenada
3) I meant standard ACEsef Purge/Update function, when you try to update URLs
4) Ok I disabled both of them, mod_lbregion and mod_adsensebingo, now CB seems to work properly
Michal Kroczak
PRO Customer
Posts: 11
Last Edit: 2010/12/07 23:06 By mke.
Re: AceSef pro and listbingo plugin problem 3 Weeks ago
All URLs are generated from listingo component, not from AceSEF. AceSEF just tries to turn them as SEF URLs (with the help pf extensions).
So, in this example, there is no "id" that I can get the title, the whole "task" is title, right? And "%3A" is trailing slash "/".
Normally listbingo extension for AceSEF first check all ids then "view" and then "task". So this task is checked and not found in extension codes. When nothing found, extension write task as it is without changing anything (just remove characters from URL).
See the image.
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Do you use these URLs? If no, do not delete them from list, just block them.
Gilbert Lici
Posts: 304