AceACL 1.5.3 is out

on Wednesday, 23 November 2011. Posted in News, Releases, AceACL Item Hits 4152

AceACL 1.5.3 is out
Hi all,

I'm happy to announce the new version of the unparalleled Joomla ACL component, AceACL, for Joomla 1.5 . This release includes a superb feature, displaying inheritance state in back-end, which provides you the ability to view the state of the inherited level without having to browse it.

Inherited state

As you can see from the above image, now you have 3 new states; NS = Not Set, IA = Inherited Allowed and ID = Inherited Denied. If the state is Not Set then the Default Action set in the AceACL Configuration will be applied.

What is new in AceACL 1.5.3

+ : Displaying the inherited permission state
# : Widget not working for Advanced Module Manager
# : Permissions inheritance not working for items
# : Some error messages

Demo: (we're working on it, try the free version)

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