Merry Christmas: Special offer 30% OFF for you
It is almost the time for the new year and we will not let it pass by without saying Thank you!
At this very moment there are thousands of webmasters, including you, that use our Joomace
extentions (AceShop, AceSEF, AceSearch and the other) on even more websites. All over the world, everything from small businesses to large non-profits.
We hope that this year has passed by with all pleasure and healthy life for you and your families.
We would like to thank you for your great support in the new year and wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!
So, we started with 30% discount on all of our components and extentions until the end of this year.
We appreciate it that you can use the coupon XMAS2012 to get any of our extensions with a 30% discount.
Best Regards
JoomAce LLC