I have exactly the same problem. I think that Tags will be very useful to me; I've read all the documents you link to (mostly three or four times). I can't get any visible result
1. Make sure the component you're trying to show tags, supports at least one of the affected areas and you've configured it correctly from AceSEF's Configuration or Extensions Parameters.
As far as I can tell this is done, I'm only working with standard content articles.
2. Make sure you've selected that component in AceSEF=>Configuration area
Done, see image.
3. If you've set to Yes the Enable category filter option (from AceSEF's Configuration or Extensions Parameters) then you should select which categories you want tags to be showed.Categories are set to No.
5. Make sure that the "Enable" option is ckeched in Tags tab of the URL you're trying to show tags. Also, you must be sure that the tag is included in meta keywords of that URL from AceSEF=>Metadata
Done. I've set up one Tag only 'branding', added it on the Tags tag*. I've picked three Custom URLs related to this topic; enabled Tags, added 'branding' to the meta-keywords.
. . . and nothing . . .
* The entry for Tags shows 20 Items - I have no idea what they are supposed to be
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